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Wednesday 1-5pm

Thursday–Sunday 11am–5pm

As one of the Violins of Hope Bay Area partners, New Museum Los Gatos will present an exhibition titled: In the Artist’s Studio: The Violin Workshop of Amnon and Avshalom Weinstein. The exhibition will open on January 24- and continue through April 26, 2020.

In the Artist’s Studio supports the museum’s mission to share stories in new ways. Through this program, NUMU offers insight into studio practice and shares with the community the ingenuity, intelligence and empathy that go into the creative process. This installment will recreate and focus on the Weinstein’s workshop in Tel Aviv where the violins have been restored. We will share the story of the Weinstein family and the inspiration behind the project, and highlight one of the 70 historic instruments in the collection.

The exhibition will also explore how music and the arts inspire and elevate individuals and communities to resist, speak truth to power and survive. These stories will discuss the role of music as a catalyst for social justice and change and as an anthem for hope and power, with a Bay Area focus. Lastly, the exhibition will touch on identity and personal iconography with an interactive element that will allow participants to make a violin using symbols, words and decorations specific to them.

Exhibition programming will include a rare performance on instruments from the Violins of Hope collection by Hannah Tarley on January 28, 2020 at NUMU. The performance will be supplemented by a presentation of instruments and a talk by Avshalom Weinstein. This event is co-sponsored by Congregation Shir Hadash in Los Gatos.

This exhibition is made possible by The Borgenicht Foundation. The Borgenicht Foundation works to promote the understanding of secularism as the way and hope for establishing peace in the world. In addition, the Foundation supports social justice, conservation and historic preservation, the arts, health, and education.

$6-10; Free to members

Our Sponsors

  • Hewlett 50 Arts Comissions
  • Walter & Elise Haas Fund
  • National Endowment for the Arts
  • The Mervyn L. Brenner Foundation
  • San Mateo County Arts Grants Program
  • Y&H Soda Foundation
  • American Legion
  • Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
  • Carlstrom Productions
  • Fleishhacker Foundation
  • Hellman Foundation
  • Mercy
  • Kohl Mansion
  • Shenson Foundation
  • The Jewish News
  • Bella Charitable Foundation
  • Kessinger Family Foundation
  • San Mateo Daily Journal

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